Wednesday 11 September 2013

Waste Paper Craft Idea

The objective is to tell ways that can be done to lesser paper waste beside doing recycle the paper. There are 3 stage which is 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Reducing is to ask student to change their habit like print double side, check before print, etc. The second one is reuse paper over and over again or reuse in creative way. The last solution is by recycle the paper with the paper recycle process. I have 4 ideas on the solution of paper wastage for recycle creatively.

The first one is "Message in the box", which get inspiration from DIY kit box. The front of the poster will have the messages and inside will have the material needed for making craft. The kit include unused magazine paper, mini poster to show direction how to do the thing for example photo frame. The direction will show step by step on how doing the craft.

The second idea is leaflet or booklet on telling people what craft can be done using waste paper. For example use paper to fold star and put inside jar, photo frame, box, and wall art. All of the project need to be simple quilling project due to not everybody have time to do and have the skill to do. How to approach my target audience is spreading through book or leaflet.

Third idea is Giant Tree Activities. I will do giant 3D tree with waste paper without leaves. My audience should do a mini tree with waste paper and write messages : Recycle paper creatively, etc. After finish doing, hang it around the tree. The tree will be fill with mini tree and messages from them. Teenagers tend to like unique and eye catching design, from here the message on don't waste paper, recycle creatively will be delivered. 

The last idea is doing exhibition on recycling creatively. I will do series of craft from waste paper and poster to deliver the messages on this problem. The poster can be done with paper waste too. From the exhibition can produce waste paper craft book featuring all the craft that can be done from waste paper.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Expanding idea

First Tutorial

New idea for final prototype is Recycle Creatively with paper. Rather than throw away unused paper and create paper waste, it is better to reuse in creative way. Some of the example is creating DIY craft things like photo frame, etc. Need to research more on other type of project can be done with unused paper craft but not hard one due to not all student like to do craft. Note: Think how to approach the target audience.